Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Shit! (But in a nice way)

Please note that I didn't use the word 'fuck' as a subject heading. This is because I'm being a proper writer today, you know the sort that writes mainstream stuff for lots of people to read, you know on proper webpages and stuff. Eeeeeek! Nearly said 'fuck' again. Must try to tone down the 'fucks'.


Maybe 'aargh' isn't proper-writer-english either?

Aaargh! I don't know...

I've just been told I'm going to Barcelona to write the PokerStars blog for the World Cup of Poker. Barcelona! Fuck... Writing the official blog! No swearing allowed! Fuck! All on my own...! In June. Not long... Aaargh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!

I have a few weeks to sort the fuck/aargh/crappy writing problem, and to practise counting chips, and taking photos, and whatever-the-fuck-else proper poker bloggers do. I'll have to ask the boyfriend, it's his job.

Don't worry! It will be fun! Of course it's a big responsibility. Yes, but most importantly it will be fun. I think if you write like you're having fun it makes a fun read? So that's the gameplan. Fuck accurrate chipcounts and proper poker shit like that. Yes. Some kind of special stickers might be needed to help with this..? I'll have to think. Yes. Need magic.

No I don't. I just need to write sensibly about poker. I can do that. And still have fun too!

It's a big resposibility, of course. It's a huge responsbility..! Yet it might also be happy, silly (magic) fun. Yes fuck it is! Do you think PokerStars know what the fuck they're doing?


Blogger David Young said...

Did you go to the Blogger meet up? I didn't.


12:05 AM  
Blogger Jo said...

I couldn't make it. :-(

12:24 PM  
Blogger David Young said...

I am not sure that bloggers have enough in common with each other to justify this meetup. I am not that interested in the technology behind blogs and the subjects that fascinate me might bore others to death.

What do you think? Is this meetup sustainable? I have my doubts.


3:28 PM  
Blogger Jo said...

I think bloggers have plenty n common, they may write about a huge range of stuff, but they all share a desire to publish their thoughts online. I'm not that much interested in blogging technology either, but I am very interested in people who think they have something to say. So, yes, I'd like to meet more bloggers...

4:51 PM  

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