Friday, December 15, 2006

Magic 5s

I blogged about the 15th being a bad day, but the thing is, what do you do if your Feeling Bad Anniversary thing was in the early hours? It was just after midight on the 14th, so 'officially' that's the 15th, but I can almost convince myself that it was actually the 14th. It felt like that day because it was before bed time of the 14th.

So if I think like that it makes the 15th a non-event. Which means the worst is over with. So today I can feel ok, by using the magic of the number 5 to tell myself that I needed to feel bad yesterday, and not today. And on the 14th I could try to feel better by telling myself it was the 15th. And I had an early night to prevent the freakiness of those 'exact hour' anniversary horrors.

Of course, it was only because I believed in the power of the number 5 that I remembered it as the 15th at all. I do know it's all daft, and the important thing is to look forward to tomorrow, and lots of tomorrows, some days with the number 5 in them, some days without. And any of them can be happy.


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